- Medistore
- Diagnostic tests
- X-ray
X-ray is one of the most common imaging examinations that allow an accurate assessment of the internal structures of the body. With Medistore, you can easily purchase and schedule an examination for a convenient date, at a medical facility of your choice across the country. Our range includes various types of X-ray, including chest, limb, spine and dental X-rays. Take a look at the offer below!
Bone age X-ray - children
The imaging test is used to evaluate the child’s biological age, i.e. how advanced its development is, and to detect growth disorders and signs of puberty.
X-ray of both knees in a standing position - children
The examination is performed in order to diagnose and evaluate post-traumatic lesions, malformations, inflammations, degenerative lesions, knee instability, pain and swelling of the knee, and post-surgery follow-up, in case of suspected dislocation or fracture of the patella, rheumatoid arthritis or Osgood-Schlatter disease.
X-ray of both knees in a standing position
The examination is performed in order to diagnose and evaluate post-traumatic lesions, malformations, inflammations, degenerative lesions, knee instability, pain and swelling of the knee, and post-surgery follow-up, in case of suspected dislocation or fracture of the patella, rheumatoid arthritis.
Clavicle X-ray - children
The examination is performed in order to diagnose and evaluate post-traumatic lesions (fractures and dislocations of acromioclavicular joint), inflammatory, overload and degenerative lesions; in case of pain, swelling, impaired mobility of the upper limb, suspicion of neoplastic changes and bone metastases.
Clavicle X-ray
The examination is performed in order to diagnose and evaluate post-traumatic lesions (fractures and dislocations of acromioclavicular joint), inflammatory, overload and degenerative lesions; in case of pain, swelling, impaired mobility of the upper limb, suspicion of neoplastic changes and bone metastases.
Wrist X-ray AP + lateral
The examination is performed in order to diagnose and evaluate post-traumatic lesions (fractures, dislocations), inflammations, overload, degenerative lesions, congenital and acquired malformations; primarily in case of pain, mobility disorders in the surrounding joints, for post-surgery follow-up.
Wrist X-ray AP + lateral
The examination is performed in order to diagnose and evaluate post-traumatic lesions (fractures, dislocations), inflammations, overload, degenerative lesions, congenital and acquired malformations; primarily in case of pain, mobility disorders in the surrounding joints, for post-surgery follow-up.
X-ray of the carpus (wrist) – AP + lateral
The X-ray scan of the carpus (wrist) (AP + lateral) is the first-choice imaging test performed for suspected pathologies in the wrist, in order to make a diagnosis and determine further treatment procedures or – where needed – diagnostic procedures.
X-ray of the cervical spine AP + lateral
It is is used to detect or evaluate traumatic lesions, degenerative lesions, developmental defects, neoplastic lesions, spondylolisthesis, osteoporosis, and stress lesions. It is also performed to help diagnose headaches and dizziness as well as pain in the neck and shoulder area.
X-ray of the thoracic spine AP + lateral
It is performed in order to identify possible vertebral abnormalities, and to detect such lesions as ankylosing spondylitis, displacement of intervertebral discs (spondylolisthesis), osteoporosis, and stress lesions. It also enables to evaluate postural defects (e.g. scoliosis, excessive thoracic hyperkyphosis), and degenerative, post-traumatic and neoplastic lesions.