Hospital Pregnancy Management Package 2 Trimesters (second and third)
You just found out you’re pregnant. This is a wonderful time – waiting for the birth of your baby. You prepare 9 months for this moment. As a future mother, you should take special care of yourself. This is why we offer the "Pregnancy management" package at Medicover Hospital.

Hospital Pregnancy Management Package 3 Trimesters
You just found out you’re pregnant. This is a wonderful time – waiting for the birth of your baby. You prepare 9 months for this moment. As a future mother, you should take special care of yourself. This is why we offer the "Pregnancy management" package at Medicover Hospital.

Hospital Pregnancy Management Package One (last) Trimester
You’re pregnant. This is a wonderful time – waiting for the birth of your baby. You prepare 9 months for this moment. As a future mother, you should take special care of yourself. This is why we offer the "Pregnancy management" package at Medicover Hospital.

Massage for pregnant women
Massage for pregnant women, Warszawa
This massage has been prepared for pregnant women in the second (or possibly the third) trimester.

Prenatal Test DNA Karyo Plus and RHD
A whole-genome prenatal NIPT. It analyzes all 23 pairs of chromosomes and fetal RHD. Includes free sample collection. Designed for mothers with Rh-negative blood.

Prenatal testDNA Karyo Plus
The whole-genome NIPT prenatal test. It examines all 23 pairs of chromosomes and stands out for its high accuracy. Includes free home sample collection.

VeraCITY prental test (NIPT)
Non-invasive prenatal test from maternal blood, detects trisomies 13, 18 and 21, gender aneuploidies and microdeletions: DiGeorge, Smith-Magenis, Wolf-HirschHorn and 1p36.

VERAgene - genetic prenatal test
VERAgene is non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for aneuploidies, microdeletions and point mutations. The test detects 2,000 mutations as part of a 100 disease screening test.