Sports cards
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WellFitness 6month pass
6-month 24/7 membership to the Well Fitness club network*
No enrollment fee
PLN 894.00
PLN 804.60
Lowest price from 30 days before discounting PLN 804.60

WellFitness 3month pass
3-month 24/7 membership to the Well Fitness club network*
No enrollment fee
PLN 447.00
PLN 402.30
Lowest price from 30 days before discounting PLN 402.30

WellFitness single entry
A one-time pass to the Well Fitness club network
PLN 39.00
PLN 35.10
Lowest price from 30 days before discounting PLN 35.10

McFIT 6 month pass
6-month 24/7 membership to the McFIT gym network with no sign-up fee!
PLN 839.40
PLN 755.46
Lowest price from 30 days before discounting PLN 755.46

McFIT 3 month pass
3-month 24/7 membership to the McFIT gym network with no sign-up fee!
PLN 449.70
PLN 404.73
Lowest price from 30 days before discounting PLN 404.73

McFIT single entry
A one-time pass to the McFIT club network!
PLN 39.90
PLN 35.91
Lowest price from 30 days before discounting PLN 35.91

WellFitness 1month pass
1-month 24/7 membership to the Well Fitness club network*
No enrollment fee
PLN 179.00
PLN 143.20
Lowest price from 30 days before discounting PLN 143.20

McFIT 1month pass
Monthly McFit Pass - 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
PLN 229.90
PLN 183.92
Lowest price from 30 days before discounting PLN 183.92