Determination of 17-OH-progesterone levels is useful in diagnosing hirsutism (excessive male-type hair in women), menstrual disorders in women and puberty in boys.

Centrum Medyczne Damiana


Dom Lekarski
Waiting time for the result up to 10 days

Waiting time for the result up to 12 days

- Test description
- Wyniki badań laboratoryjnych
What is 17 OH progesterone?
17 OH progesterone (17 hydroxyprogesterone) - a steroid hormone, produced mainly in the adrenal glands, with small amounts also in the ovaries, placenta and testes. It is a precursor for other hormones - aldrostendione and cortisol synthesized in the adrenal glands. An increase in 17OH progesterone occurs when enzymes involved in cortisol production are deficient or absent. The result is increased androgen production and virilization (development of male physical characteristics in women). The test is useful in diagnosing newborns with undeveloped genitalia, boys prematurely developing sexually, and women for hirsutism and menstrual disorders.
When is it a good idea to perform the test?
Determination of 17-OH progesterone levels is recommended especially in cases of menstrual disorders or problems getting pregnant. It can also be performed in boys in the case of premature sexual maturation.
What does the test consist of?
The test is performed from venous blood. Due to the diurnal rhythm of the hormone, it is recommended to draw blood in the morning between 8-10, while fasting.
The test is performed in the morning
Waiting time for result: up to 8 working days