Chlamydia trachomatis DNA qualitative
The test consists of a swab taken by a gynecologist or midwife from the vagina, cervix, urethra, or vesicles (ulcers).
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Chlamydia trachomatis are sexually transmitted bacteria that cause a disease called chlamydiosis. Infection greatly increases the danger of cervical cancer, but also other diseases of intimate parts of the body, such as ovarian inflammation in women or urethritis or epididymitis in men. 75% of women and about 50% of men infected with chlamydia have no symptoms, but this does not mean that carriage is not associated with serious health consequences. Newborns whose mothers have had chlamydial cervicitis can develop pneumonia, conjunctivitis and eyeball inflammation.
Details of Chlamydia trachomatis testing:
- Full name of the test: Chlamydia trachomatis. Qualitative test
- Place of collection: Genitourinary tract swab
- Sample is taken by medical personnel
- Date of test from receipt of material: up to 7 working days
In the kit you receive:
- A kit necessary for material collection
- Instruction for material collection
- Material collection protocol for the laboratory
Collection of the sample by courier is free of charge.
How does the test look like in women?
The test involves taking a swab by a gynecologist or midwife from the vagina, cervix, urethra, or follicles (ulcers). The collected material is placed in a tube with buffer and sent to the laboratory free of charge via courier. The result of the test within 7 working days from the date of delivery of the sample to the laboratory is sent to the address indicated on the collection protocol.
How to perform the test in men?
Most often it is a swab/release from the urethra or from the genital groove. The swab is taken with a brush included in the collection kit. It is recommended that a man not wash his genitals for 24 hours and not have intercourse for 48 hours prior to taking a sample for testing.
It is also possible for medical personnel to collect the specimen in doctors' offices.
The kit comes with detailed instructions on how to collect the material for the test.
I purchased/buy the test online. Where should I go to get it? Can I perform the test on my own?"
After receiving the collection kit, you should go to your gynecologist or midwife to collect the material for the test. The collection of material for women can only be performed by a qualified person. The performance of the test resembles a standard cytological examination. After collecting the material, the vial with the swab should be sent by courier to the address of the laboratory. For details on how to send back the material for the test, please refer to the instructions included with the collection kit. The result of the test within 7 working days from the date of delivery of the sample to the laboratory is sent to the address indicated on the collection protocol.
Can I also get a cytology from a single collection?"
Yes, there are no contraindications. The doctor or midwife should/should carefully take the swab for the test so that there is enough material on the toothbrush.
The swab should be taken from a single collection, but not from a single collection
Do I need to prepare specially for the test?
The kit contains detailed instructions for preparing for the test. A woman should not for 24 hours before the test: have intercourse, wash the vagina, take globules or other vaginal medications. The test is performed regardless of the day of the cycle, but should not be performed during menstruation. The test involves a gynecologist or midwife taking a swab from the vagina or cervix. The collected material is placed in a tube with buffer and sent to the laboratory. In the case of men, prior to the collection of material for the test, the genitals should not be washed for 24 hours and there should be no intercourse for min. 48 hours.
Why should I take the test? Isn't it enough for my doctor to prescribe me the appropriate medication?"
Urogenital tract diseases often produce similar symptoms, so it is difficult to choose the right therapy based on these symptoms alone. Performing tests that will clearly determine the causes of the infection will allow you to adjust the treatment accordingly, which will shorten its time and eliminate the need for unnecessary use of ill-advised drugs.
Treatment is not enough
I have been diagnosed with a genitourinary infection. My partner has no symptoms. Should he also get tested?
Yes, because many of the genitourinary infections, including chlamydiosis and Herpes simplex virus infection, are sexually transmitted diseases. Your sexual partner should be tested and treated, even if he has no symptoms.