Prothrombin time
Prothrombin time is a measure of the extrinsic pathway of activation of prothrombin.

Centrum Medyczne Damiana

Centrum Medyczne MML


Dom Lekarski

Waiting time for the result up to 24 hours


- Test description
What is prothrombin time?
Prothrombin time is a measure of the extrinsic pathway of activation of
prothrombin. It depends on the activity of factors II, V, VII, X, and
Prothrombin time is used in the detection of deficiencies of the
of the aforementioned plasma clotting factors, both congenital
and acquired, as well as vitamin K deficiencies, or the use of
antivitamin K in anticoagulant treatment (oral
anticoagulants), liver diseases associated with impaired protein synthesis
proteins, coagulopathies from wear and tear.
Prothrombin time results
The result is presented as the INR - the international normalized ratio. This allows the comparison of values obtained in different laboratories, which is particularly important when when monitoring treatment with oral anticoagulants.
- Prothrombin time shortened (INR reduced, index elevated) - hypercoagulable state, disease embolic-thrombotic disease.
- Prothrombin time prolonged (INR elevated, index lowered) - congenital deficiencies of factors II, V, VII, X, diseases of the Liver, vitamin K deficiencies, gastrointestinal diseases.