Pregnancy management package – Healthy Pregnancy Premium
The Healthy Pregnancy PREMIUM pregnancy management package is a unique package created with future mothers in mind. It includes comprehensive care at every stage of pregnancy, ensuring the safety of you and your baby.

Centrum Medyczne Damiana
- About the Package
- Package benefits
- Documents
What does this package include?
The Healthy Pregnancy Package - PREMIUM is a comprehensive care for moms-to-be.
The package includes, among others:
- 10 consultations by a gynecologist,
- 3 consultations of a midwife,
- consultation of a physical therapist (during pregnancy or after delivery),
- consultation of a psychologist,
- lactation consultation.
Imaging studies:
- Nipple (breast) ultrasound,
- Doppler ultrasound of pregnancy,
- Ultrasound of pregnancy up to 11 weeks.
- Ultrasound of pregnancy in the first trimester (genetic ultrasound at 11-14 weeks),
- Ultrasound of pregnancy above 14 weeks.
- Ultrasound of pregnancy above 32 weeks,
- Ultrasound of pregnancy.
Prenatal testing - choose one of the tests:
- Veragene non-invasive prenatal test,
- VeraCity Premium prenatal testing (NIPT),
- PAPP prenatal test.
Blood laboratory tests:
- double blood group and immune alloantibody testing (anti-Rh and others),
- all-antibody review test (anti-RH and others),
- fasting venous blood glucose,
- Glucose after 75g glucose - determination after 1h - 1 execution,
- Glucose after 75g glucose - determination after 2h - 1 performance,
- 10 tests of complete morphology - analyzer - blood,
- thyrotropic hormone - TSH,
- free thyroxine - fT4,
- free triiodothyronine - fT3,
- two-time testing of antibodies against HCV,
- double test for antibodies against - CMV IgG, antibodies against - CMV IgM,
- test for antibodies against rubella IgM, antibodies against rubella IgG,
- three times test for antibodies against toxoplasmosis IgG, antibodies against toxoplasmosis IgM,
- two times syphilis serology (VDRL) and anti-HIV antibodies with p.24 antigen - COMBO test,
- 10 general urine tests.
Other tests:
- cervical cytology - liquid or plain,
- Monolayer cytology - liquid (LBC) of the cervix,
- urine culture,
- cervical canal swab culture,
- two cultures for GBS (group B-hemolytic streptococcus) - vaginal and rectal swab,
- 10 general urine tests,
- two KTG (cardiotocography) examinations.
- influenza vaccination.
- one massage for pregnant women (second and third trimester).
For patients with this package, we offer a 10% discount on selected services outside the package, as well as a 5% discount on the delivery package at Medicover Hospital.