HPV DNA 28 genotypes (19 high-oncogenic and 9 low-oncogenic) qualitatively
The HPV virus isthe cause of cervical cancer. If you suffer from intimate area ailments, get tested for HPV.
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Human papillomavirus HPV
It is a sexually transmitted virus. HPV is a major cause of cervical cancer. HPV infection can also cause many unpleasant female ailments, such as genital warts. Population-based studies show that as many as 80% of sexually active women are exposed to at least one type of HPV.
Presence of HPV virus - who should get tested?
- women who have had several sexual partners,
- planned pregnancies, especially if there has been a history of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy,
- persons suffering from chronic infections or skin lesions of the intimate areas,
The HPV test is also recommended after abnormal cytology results or in cases of reduced immunity.
HPV virus and cervical cancer in women
HPV infection occurs mainly during sexual intercourse. Genital skin contact between partners can also be a source of infection, so a condom can reduce the risk of infection, but it will not provide full protection against it.
The condom can also reduce the risk of infection, but it will not provide full protection against it
HPV types 16 and 18, as well as 31, 33, 45 - viruses with a high oncogenic risk - are almost 100% responsible for cervical cancer. Type 16 is responsible for more than half of all cases of squamous cell carcinoma, and type 18 is responsible for about 55% of extremely difficult-to-detect adenocarcinomas of the cervix.
In Poland, cervical cancer is diagnosed in about 3,000 women a year, of whom, on average, half cannot be saved. This means that every day up to 5 Polish women lose their lives due to this disease. If you suspect you are infected, get tested to avoid potential risks.
Cervical cancer is one of the "silent" diseases. This means that it is difficult to spot symptoms of cervical cancer in yourself during the first stages of its development. However, thanks to testing, it can be diagnosed quickly.
There are a number of ways to diagnose it
HPV virus - what is worth knowing?
Vaccination is the only way to protect against HPV. There are no effective drugs on the market against HPV infections. Natural antibodies, which are formed in the body after an infection, in the case of HPV also do not protect against reinfection with the same type of HPV!Only vaccination protects against infection with the most dangerous types of HPV - 16 and 18.
Today, about 120 types of HPV virus are known. Individual viruses are labeled digitally. They are divided into two groups:
- low-oncogenic (low-risk) viruses: among them, the most common are HPV types 6, 11
- high-oncogenic (high-risk) viruses: among them, the most common are HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58 and 59
Oncogenicity - the ability to cause cancer
HPV virus - detection
The result of this HPV test will unequivocally confirm whether or not you are infected with HPV. If the result is positive, you will receive information about what type(s) of HPV you are infected with. If the test result is negative, it means that none of the HPV genotypes tested were detected in you. In this case, as a prophylactic measure, you should have a regular cytological examination. A cytology test should be performed every 3 years, and when combined with an HPV test, every 5 years.
Material for the test must be taken by medical personnel. You can perform it during a visit to your gynecologist and send the sample collected by him back to the laboratory. Instructions are included in the kit.
The instructions are included in the kit
This test covers low- and high-oncogenic types of HPV 28 (6, 11, 16, 18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 51, 52, 53, 54, 54, 56, 58, 59, 61, 66, 68, 69, 70, 73, 82).
Infection with high-oncogenic viruses poses a high risk of cervical cancer. Check out more information in the Additional Information tab.
Are you experiencing worrisome oral symptoms? Check the test for the presence of the oral HPV virus.
Want to check your partner? Check out the test for men.
How to get HPV infection predisposition test material?
The material for the genetic test is a cervical swab, it should be taken by a medical person, i.e. a midwife or a gynecologist.
If you do not have an appointment, you can purchase it.
Remember that you can ask your gynecologist for a free swab at the time of your visit.
How to get material for genetic testing
It is very important to properly prepare for the collection of material. The correct result of the test depends on the quality and quantity of DNA in the collected material.
Preparing the Patient
- For a period of 24 hours prior to collection, you should refrain from sexual intercourse and limit hygienic and grooming procedures of the genital area.
- The swab should not be taken during menstrual bleeding.
- Do not use any vaginal medications or external ointments for a period of 48 hours before taking the swab.
The test result goes directly to the address indicated by the patient via the Polish Post. It does not involve medical consultation at Medicover Centers and its interpretation. In the case of a result confirming HPV infection, the result should be consulted with a gynecologist.
The result should be interpreted by a gynecologist
NOTE: the collected material should be stored at temperature ( refrigerator temperature 2-10°C ) until the courier picks it up. The material should reach the laboratory within 72h after collection.
Do not send the material on Fridays and weekends due to extended transport time. It is best to collect the material on Monday-Thursday. If the sample is taken on Friday, it should be stored in appropriate conditions (refrigerator temperature 2-10°C) and sent by courier on Monday.
Objectives and limitations of HPV testing
The HPV test is designed to identify the DNA of the virus living in the patient's body.
The doctor will plan the appropriate action based on the patient's environmental history, a comprehensive assessment of the patient's health situation, and the genetic test results obtained will support the decision-making process.