Prepaid card DENTAL 3 000
Do you need a few dentist appointments to complete your treatment plan? If yes, our solution will facilitate the process.

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What is DENTAL 3000 Prepaid Card?
It is a solution supporting the performance of dental procedures that your dentist considered necessary. The product has the form of a prepaid card, so it will be useful when, after a consultation, the patient receives a treatment plan for a certain estimated amount.
How to use the solution?
Payments with the funds loaded on the DENTAL 3000 Prepaid Card can be made until the funds are fully used, i.e. until the procedures for PLN 3,000 are carried out in the centre. The package can be bought online, by clicking “Add to cart” button and selecting the preferred payment method. If you want, it is also possible to pay in 0% instalments. The DENTAL 3000 Prepaid Card can be used to pay for almost all dentistry services (the only exception refers to aesthetic medicine and whitening services).
Why is it worth to choose the DENTAL 3000 Prepaid Card?
There are 3 main reasons justifying the choice of this solution. The first one is convenience – payment for services is virtually contactless – it is sufficient to provide data allowing identifying the package holder and to deduct the amount due from the amount loaded previously.
The second reason is clarity. If the patient has a specific treatment plan and knows the procedures that can be expected as part of its implementation, the purchase of the product allows better control of the expenses. All you need to do is choosing the amount variant that best suits your needs, and the costs incurred for dental treatment will be more transparent and their management as part of the household budget will be easier.
The third reason is flexibility offered by the DENTAL 3000 Prepaid Card. It allows paying for services, e.g. in 0% instalments. Certain treatments or procedures are expensive and not everyone is able to easily decide to use them. Orthodontic treatment with the Invisalign system, dental implant placement, total prosthesis – with our solution, payments, inter alia, for these services can be spread over several months, which is a relief in the context of current expenses.
Choose the DENTAL 3000 Prepaid Card with the value of PLN 3 thousand and adjust payments to your needs!