Katarzyna Szopińska
She accepts children from 12 years old and adults.
She accepts psychological and sexological appointments.
- About the procedure
- Documents
Katarzyna Szopińska, MA
Her work is guided by professional ethics, so that clients can have a sense of security, acceptance, understanding and discretion. In the therapeutic process, she focuses on supporting clients in finding solutions to their situations. Her areas of expertise include: mood disorders, low self-esteem, personality disorders, relationship problems, sexual dysfunction, sexual preference disorders, emotional disorders, emotional crisis, anxiety, adolescent parenting problems, mental disorders, school difficulties, puberty disorders, violence, neurosis, relationship crises.
- Psychologist
Patient`s age:
- Adults,
- Children 12 years and older
The specialist deals with:
- Psychological consultations,
- Sexology
- SWPS in Wroclaw- clinical, general psychology,
SWPS in Warsaw- Sexology
Professional experience:
- Internships at the Specialist Hospital in Branice
- Internship at the Lower Silesia Therapy Center
- Proterapeutica- psychologist, psychotherapist
- APEIRON- academic lecturer
- Mindio- psychological counseling center
Trainings, courses and certificates:
- The psychology of conflict and the psychology of sales
- Psychology of conflict
- Master's degree diploma
- Diploma of completion of postgraduate studies
MindHealth Wrocław
Pawła Włodkowica 1,
50-072 Wrocław