Orthodontist - consultation
Dreaming of straight teeth and getting rid of your bite defect? Want to smile more? Start with an orthodontic consultation! You will learn how to improve your smile and have more self-confidence while looking a few years younger. Benefits for you:
- getting a thorough dental check-up,
- discussing possible solutions based on your expectations,
- being referred for additional diagnostic tests.
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Orthodontic consultation
Orthodontics is a field of dentistry that focuses on the correction of malocclusions and maxillofacial abnormalities.
Today's orthodontics offers powerful methods of treatment to improve the looks of your teeth. If you dream of a perfect smile, an orthodontic consultation is just what you need. Our doctors are dedicated to giving you a healthy, beautiful smile while ensuring the results you desire.
Orthodontic consultation – what do you need to know?
During an orthodontic consultation, your doctor will assess your oral and dental health and diagnose any malocclusion. This check-up is painless and non-invasive. After identifying the need to correct malocclusions, the doctor will discuss the treatment options and the possible outcomes with you. Then, they will develop a treatment plan. The treatment may take time and patience, and it usually requires wearing an orthodontic appliance.
What malocclusions and abnormalities can be addressed by orthodontic treatment?
Transverse malocclusions – these include crossbite and scissor bite, and are characterised by improper occlusal contacts between the teeth (e.g. the lower teeth cover the upper teeth) or excessive protrusion of the molars.
Vertical malocclusions – e.g. deep bite and open bite, when the lower teeth are covered by the upper teeth, or conversely, when the lower and upper teeth do not come in contact and there is space between them.
Sagittal malocclusions – such as overbite or underbite, when the lower jaw is retracted relative to the upper jaw, or vice versa
Crowding – when there is insufficient space in the dental arch to fit all teeth.
Spacing – when the teeth do not touch each other and there are gaps between them.
Correction of misalignment with fixed metal braces
If untreated, dental malocclusions may cause:
- speech impediments,
- problems with chewing,
- weakened tooth structure,
- unaesthetic appearance of the face.
These can be avoided with the help of orthodontic treatment.