Milena Dasiewicz
Milena Dasiewicz, MD, is a specialist in paediatrics. She carries out consultations in Kraków. The visits can also take place in English.
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Milena Dasiewicz, MD
Milena Dasiewicz, MD, is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Kraków. She specialises in paediatrics. As part of her professional practice, the doctor carries out diagnosis and treatment of childhood diseases. Ms Milena continuously improves her qualifications by participating in numerous courses, training programmes and scientific conferences.
Patient`s age:
- children
The doctor deals with:
- paediatric consultations
- diagnosis and treatment of childhood diseases
- Jagiellonian University Medical College (2014)
- Specialist in paediatrics
Professional experience:
- University Children’s Hospital in Kraków – Department of Paediatric Oncology and Haematology
- internship at the Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Kraków
- internship in the field of paediatric pulmonology and allergology at the Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases in Rabka-Zdrój
- internship in the field of paediatric cardiology at the Department of Paediatric Cardiology of the Upper Silesian Child Health Centre in Katowice
Language proficiency:
- Polish
- English
Trainings, courses and certificates:
- Courses: Ratownictwo medyczne (Emergency Medical Services), Zdrowie publiczne i Orzecznictwo lekarskie (Public Health and Medical Opinion), Prawo medyczne (Medical Law), Przetaczanie krwi i jej składników (Transfusion of Blood and its Components), Wybrane problemy z psychiatrii dzieci i młodzieży (Selected Issues in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry), Choroby zakaźne wieku dziecięcego i szczepienia ochronne (Infectious Childhood Diseases and Vaccination), Stany nagłe u dzieci od 0 do 18 roku życia (Emergencies in Children up to the Age of 18), Badania obrazowe u dzieci (Paediatric Imaging), Choroby nowotworowe u dzieci (Childhood cancers), Aktualne zagadnienia hematologii dziecięcej (Topical Issues in Paediatric Haematology), Postępy w pediatrii (Advances in Paediatrics), Laktacja w POZ (Lactation in Primary Care)
- Conferences: Kontrowersje w Pediatrii (Controversies in Paediatrics), Oblicza Współczesnej Pediatrii (Various Aspects of Contemporary Paediatrics), Drogowskazy w Pediatrii (Guidelines in Paediatrics), Spotkania Kliniczne Chirurgów z Pediatrami (Clinical Meetings Between Surgeons and Paediatricians)
Medicover Centre Fabryczna
Fabryczna 1,
31-553 Kraków