Treponema pallidum antibodies


- Test description
Treponema pallidum (pale spirochete) is a bacterium that is the etiological agent of syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease The incubation period for syphilis ranges from 9 to 90 days. Symptoms of syphilis appear usually appear about 3 weeks after infection, most often it is a painless round lump on the skin or mucous membranes mucous membranes turning into a hard boil and enlarged lymph nodes lymph nodes. Untreated, the disease is characterized by a multi-year course with asymptomatic and symptomatic stages. Determination of IgG and IgM class antibodies specific to antigens of Treponem pallidum is a screening test for the diagnosis of syphilis A positive test result should be evaluated in the context of the clinical condition and subjected to verification by confirmatory tests. The assay may give a negative result in case of too early stage of the disease or in immunocompromised individuals.