STD-X Polycheck autoimmune panel (18 allergens)
The test checks for the presence of antibodies associated with 18 different autoimmune diseases.

- Test description
- Documents
LBC + Urogin 1 monolayer cytology (Chlamydia trachomatis DNA, Ureaplasma sp. DNA)
Clinical significance
Cytology is a prophylactic examination that should be performed prophylactically, every year during a routine gynecological examination. Cyclic cytological examinations should begin after the age of 25, but not póź later than the age of 30. In the case of early initiation of cohabitation, cytology should be performed no more than 3 years after sexual initiation. In women 30 years of age and older whoóre not found to have lesions and whoóre found to have normal 3 consecutive cytology results, and in women after removal of the uterus including the cervix due to benign lesions, screening cytology can be performed every 3 years. In women infected with HIV, HPV type of high oncogenic risk, taking immunosuppressive drugs, treated in the past for mediastinal neoplasia (CIN2,CIN3) or cervical cancer, examinations should be performed at least once a year. Cytologic examination over a period of more than 12 months should be performed in women whoóre not found to have cells from the transformation zone or endocervix in previous cytologic smears, as well as if the legibility of previous smears is poor due to inflammation, admixture of mucus or blood. The presence of certain characteristic chambersórek in the cytological examination can suggest infections with herpes virus, human papillomavirus, chlamydiosis, vitamin deficiencies, radiation lesions and the presence of an IUD. It also allows to assess the phase of the menstrual cycle and indirectly the secretion of sex hormonesów. It gives the opportunity to eliminate certain infections that affect the process of procreation, the course of pregnancy and the health of the newborn. The presence of coilocytesów suggests HPV infection, which allows you to expand the diagnosis and, if necessary, implement prevention of cervical cancer early enough. Performance of the UroGin test is recommended: - in chronic and recurrent inflammation of the genital tract against an infectious background, especially when the methods of classical microbiology do not give satisfactory answers - in women observing spotting or bleeding between periods - in pregnant women due to the risk of complications of pregnancy (deliveryód preterm) - in women planning to become pregnant due to the prevention of complications of early pregnancy (miscarriage) or in the diagnosis of infertility - in men with symptoms of itching, redness or swelling of the urethra, glans or foreskin - partneróin people whoóve been diagnosed with a genitourinary tract infection Prompt detection and treatment of a genitourinary tract infection prevents dangerous health consequences. Infections and infestations are common, everyone is exposed to them. Many of them, especially in the initial phase, are asymptomatic, which raises the risk of further infections of subsequent partnersów.
Patient preparation
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