“Pregnancy First Trimester” tests package
The first trimester of pregnancy significantly determines the development of your baby. It is during this period that all its major organs are developing. Your health is extremely important now, because many, even not very dangerous diseases, can have a negative impact on the health of the baby.
The “Pregnancy First Trimester” tests package is a set of essential examinations important for both your health and the health and development of your baby.
Scope of the package
10 laboratory tests:
- blood tests:
- blood count
- fasting glucose
blood group and immune alloantibodies (anti-Rh and others)
- diagnosis of infections:
- syphilis serology
- toxoplasmosis
- antibodies against rubella IgG
- anti - HIV antibodies with p.24 antigen - COMBO test
- HCV examination
- urinalysis
- thyroid diagnostics - TSH test
Tests will help in the evaluation:
- Detection of possible abnormalities, which, if diagnosed in time, give you a chance to start treatment so that your baby can develop properly and safely.
- Your condition at the beginning of pregnancy. The tests included in the package are those recommended by the Ministry of Health.
Why is it worth performing tests in the second trimester of pregnancy?
- You will check your health in the first weeks of pregnancy, and in case of bad results you will have a chance to quickly incorporate treatment and prevent complications.
- You will prepare your body for the proper course of pregnancy.
- You will save time. You don't have to wait for an appointment. All you have to do is come to the collection center in the morning.
- You will save money that you would have had to spend on a qualifying medical appointment for the tests. The cost of the tests in the package is lower than individual tests.
- You will complete the tests during 1 visit to the selected facility