The screening is particularly recommended
- you have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer
- a relative of yours has been diagnosed as the BRCA gene
mutations carrier
- you want to detect any potential genetic predispositions in
order to undertake early prevention and consciously enjoy your
Perform the Screening of Genetic Predispositions to
breast and ovarian cancers. Check whether or not you are in the
risk group.
The procedure
You can receive your screening during 2
appointments at in Medicover Centre.
- Prior to your appointment in the Medicover Centre, fill in the
detailed “Patient’s Survey” concerning cancer incidence in your
family, which will be sent to you in the purchase confirmation e
mail. Please bring the survey with you to your first appointment in
the Medicover Centre.
- During the first appointment, we will collect your blood
sample. Next, the blood test results, along with the survey, are
assessed by a specialist in genetic diagnostics who sends a
relevant opinion with recommendations to the Medicover Centre.
- During the second appointment in the Centre, you will meet your
gynaecologistwho will discuss the test results who
will discuss the test results and the related recommendations with
you. The physician will work with you to establish an
individual plan of prevention and early detection of breast and
ovarian cancers, ,with particular emphasis on your life
Validity period of the screening: 3 months from the date
indicated in the order confirmation.
You can have your health screening at the Medicover Centre
Waiting time for the results: up to 7 weeks
Experts estimate that, in Poland, there are approximately
100,000 female and the same number of male carriers of the BRCA1
gene mutation. The occurrence of the mutation does not entail
imminent development of breast or ovarian cancer, but considerably
increases the related risk during the patient's whole life.
Other factors also influence the occurrence of these cancers.
Some of them, for example smoking, increase such a risk while
others, such as long-term breastfeeding, reduce it.
Therefore, being aware of your genetic predisposition, you are
able to make conscious decisions about the scope of prevention and
other measures to reduce the risk of getting cancer.