HPV DNA 28 genotypes (19 high-oncogenic and 9 low-oncogenic) qualitatively
The HPV virus located in the mouth is responsible for throat and oral cancer. Even tiny warts and skin lesions can be dangerous. Find out if you are infected with HPV.
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Human papilloma virus, known as HPV
It is transmitted sexually and can be located both in the oral cavity and in intimate areas. The test is designed to diagnose the oral cavity.
In the oral cavity, HPV is responsible for the formation of unpleasant mucosal lesions such as papillomas (papulopustular formations), condylomas, focal epithelial hyperplasia or simple warts. HPV can also cause more serious health problems like cancers of the mouth and throat.
If you have oral lesions, it is recommended that you get a prophylactic test for HPV infection.
Hpv virus - oral lesions
The lesions are most often located on the tongue, soft palate, tonsils and on the mucous membrane of the lips. They take the form of small, pinkish-white cauliflower-like or fungus-shaped papules no more than 1 cm in diameter.
However, it is important to remember the risk of cancer. When developing a malignant tumor of the mouth or throat, there is a high risk of metastasis to the lymph nodes, lungs and kidneys.
The risk of metastasis to the lymph nodes, lungs and kidneys is high
How to diagnose HPV infection?
Papilloma virus infection is usually asymptomatic, which is the reason for the low detection rate in the early stages.
How to diagnose HPV infection?
The only reliable method of detecting HPV infection is through tests based on the detection of viral genetic material by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This method additionally allows to distinguish between types of the virus.
Why use an HPV test?
- fast diagnosis of HPV infection,
- certainty of the correct result (the sensitivity of the test is more than 99%),
- result sent within 10 working days,
- convenient, self-sampling in the comfort of your home,
The high quality of the service is guaranteed by the Nucleagena Laboratory that performs the test, which has international quality certificates QCMD, INSTAND and several years of experience in genetic testing. The laboratory performs more than 5,000 genetic tests per year.
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HPV virus detection
The result of the HPV test will unequivocally confirm whether or not we are infected with the papilloma virus. If the result is positive, we will get information on what type of HPV virus we are infected with. If the test result is negative, it means that none of the tested HPV genotypes have been detected.
This HPV test includes low-oncogenic (low risk of causing cancer) and high-oncogenic (high-risk) virus types: HPV 28 (6, 11, 16, 18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 61, 66, 68, 69, 70, 73, 82)
The HPV test is a comprehensive test of the HPV genotypes
Infection with highly ionogenic viruses poses a high risk of cancer.
Check if you are at risk at HPV and cancer
Do you see symptoms of HPV in your reproductive organs? Check out these tests:
How to perform a papillomavirus test material collection?
The patient independently collects the material for genetic testing as a swab from the mucous membrane of the throat. To do this, use the materials included in the collection kit and carefully read the accompanying instructions. It is very important to prepare for the collection of the material according to the guidelines in the instructions. The result of the test depends primarily on the quality and quantity of DNA in the collected material.
The test result is sent directly to the address indicated by the patient by Polish mail or email according to the option selected when filling out the documents included in the kit. In case of a result confirming HPV infection, the result should be consulted with your attending physician
What is worth knowing about the genetic test?
The oral hpv virus test involves detecting the DNA of the virus in the mouth. If the result is positive, the patient should consult a doctor about cancer prevention and further management.
Further medical decisions regarding planned therapy, or methods of disease prevention, should be based on a comprehensive assessment of the patient's health situation, and the results of the genetic test should be only one of the factors supporting the decision-making process.
Downloading papillomavirus test material
Genetic analysis is performed on the basis of a throat swab. Check how to get material for genetic testing.
Notwithstanding adherence to laboratory standards, the isolated material may not be in sufficient quantity or may be degraded (destroyed), making it impossible to perform the ordered genetic analysis. In such a case, the material (a swab of the mucous membrane of the inside of the cheek) may need to be taken again. In that case, please contact Customer Service, which will resend the collection kit.
Order a home test and have it done at your convenience.