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Healthy man, package with medical consultation

By purchasing this package, you will receive a free medical consultation after receiving the resultsós. See the study description for detailsós.

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Test description

The package is designed for men, for the assessment of overall health. Tests included in the package allow to detect disorders of the liver, kidneys, thyroid, prostate and also in diagnosing such disorders as diabetes, atherosclerosis and others.

The test is performed in blood drawn in the morning, on an empty stomach. A portion of urine (taken into a disposable container from the first morning urine) must also be provided for the test. In the case of biopsy, ultrasound or per rectum examination of the prostate, the blood draw should be done before these procedures.

Vitamin 25-OH D3 

Vitamin D regulates calcium and phosphate metabolism and is  essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the gastrointestinal tract. It also plays an important role in the proper functioning of the immune system, and deficiencies may be associated with a greater susceptibility to infection, as well as diseases such as diabetes, myocardial infarction and stroke mzgu.

ALT – alanine aminotransferase

Alanine aminotransferase is an intracellular enzyme found mainlyrly in the liver and muscle. An increase in ALT activity is observed in acute and chronic liver disease, crush syndrome, cardiac failure, and myocardial infarction. To assess the severity of liver damage, the de Ritis index is used, calculated from the resultsof ALT and AST.

AST – aspartate aminotransferase

Aspartate aminotransferase - an intracellular enzyme found in the heart muscle, liver, skeletal muscle, kidney and erythrocytes.  An increase in AST activity occurs in acute conditions such as viral hepatitis, toxic hepatitis or post-alcoholic hepatitis. ALT activity also increases in myocardial infarction, cholestasis, cirrhosis, cancer, and skeletal muscle damage.


Calcium, along with phosphates, is an essential test in the diagnosis of bone metabolism disorders. It is also an essential element in many body processes and transformations. Both excess (hypercalcemia) and deficiencyr (hypocalcemia) can cause metabolic disorders and occur in a variety of diseases.

Total cholesterol

Total cholesterol is a structural component of all cell membranesr and also a precursorr of bile acids, steroid hormonesr and vitamin D. Elevated cholesterol levels are a risk factor for atherosclerotic lesions, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction and stroke.


HDL-cholesterol is determined along with the concentration of total cholesterol, triglyceridesw and total cholesterol. Determination of HDL-cholesterol is important in the diagnosis of the risk of atherosclerosis and its complications, as well as in the diagnosis of primary and intrinsic hyperlipoproteinemia (dyslipoproteinemia). Factorsin the development of atherosclerosis include elevated lipidlevels (CH, TG) and reduced HDL-CH levels.


LDL cholesterol is part of the LDL lipoprotein, whichra is involved in the transport of cholesterol from the liver to the muscles. Determination of LDL cholesterol is important in the diagnosis of the risk of atherosclerosis and its complications, as well as in the diagnosis of primary and intrinsic hyperlipoproteinemias.

LDL cholesterol is an important component of LDL cholesterol


Triglycerides are the majorform of fatty acid storage and a sourceof energy. Elevated serum triglyceridelevels are found in genetically determined disorders such as familial hypertriglyceridemia, familial complex hyperlipidemia and others. Secondary hypertriglyceridemia occurs in obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, nephrotic syndrome, renal failure, pancreatitis, gout, and in peopleing alcohol excessively.

GTP – gamma-glutamyltransferase

GTP is an enzyme found in the kidneys, liver, genital tract, pancreas and intestines. Determined in the blood, it is mainly derivedly from the liver or gastrointestinal tract, so the test is useful in the diagnosis of acute and chronic diseasesly of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. Determination of GGTP activity is also helpful in determining the sourceof elevated serum ALP activity, whichra may also increase in bone disease. GGTP is among the enzymesw induced by alcohol and somere drugs, among others. Enzyme activity increases with alcohol abuse, decreases during periods of abstinence.


Blood glucose determination is used in diagnosing, diagnosing and monitoring the treatment of patientswith disorders of carbohydrate metabolismsuch as diabetes, glucose intolerance, pancreatic and other diseases. Glucose determination should be performed periodically, prophylactically. An increase in blood glucose occurs in diabetes mellitus, pre-diabetic conditions, pituitary and adrenal gland dysfunction, pancreatic diseases, pregnancy and stress. Decreases in glucose levels can occur with an overdose of antidiabetic drugs insulinomas; pituitary and adrenal insufficiency; congenital metabolic blocks (galactosemia, fructose intolerance, glycogenosis); or with starvation.

Blood glucose levels are also affected by diabetes


Serum creatinine concentration is the most commonly used indicator for assessing the degree of renal failure. Increased serum concentrations occur after exercise, in skeletal muscle disease, in patients with acromegaly or gigantism, in dehydration, in febrile states and after extensive trauma. Decreased urinary creatinine excretion in chronic kidney disease or acute kidney injury may also be the cause of rising serum creatinine levels. Decreased serum creatinine levels are observed in starvation and during corticosteroid therapy.


Magnesium plays an important role in metabolic processes. It participates in the process of cardiac muscle contraction, affects the state of neuromuscular excitability, and has a stabilizing effect on platelets and fibrinogen. Magnesium deficiency can be caused by an inadequate supply in food, impaired absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, hypoparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism or excessive loss from feces or urine. Increased magnesium concentrations are most often the result of impaired renal excretory function, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, significant dehydration, and less often the consequence of excessive magnesium supply, e.g. in medications.

General urinalysis

A urine ogl examination is useful in the diagnosis of renal dysfunction and other diseasesb. Changes detected by a urine ogl examination may accompany such conditions as: diseases of the kidneys and urinary drg, bladder diseases, diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal drg, proliferative diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, fever, bleeding, extensive trauma, chronic circulatory insufficiency, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, acid-base imbalance, starvation, appendicitis, significant physical exertion and others. The examination consists of an assessment of physical characteristics (color, clarity, pH, specific gravity) and chemical characteristics (glucose, protein, bilirubin, urobilinogen, ketone bodies, hemoglobin, nitrogenous compounds). In certain cases, microscopic analysis of the urine sediment is also performed.

Peripheral blood morphology

The study includes the determination of the number of morphotic elements of blood: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit, the value of erythrocyte indicators&oacute: mean red blood cell volume (MCV), mean hemoglobin mass per cell (MCH), mean hemoglobin concentration per cell (MCHC), hemoglobin and hematocrit determination, evaluation of the number and percentage of rve forms of white blood cells. Peripheral blood morphology is a preventive test. The results allow the detection of anemia (anemia), confirmation of infection and also direct the diagnosis of other disorders.


Phosphorus is a structural component of cellsre and intracellular organelles, and is involved in energy storage, processing and release. It is also an important component of bone. The concentration of phosphorus in serum depends on the state of requilibrium created between the supply of this element with food, intestinal absorption and exchange between the cellsr (mainly bones) and the extracellular spacer. Because of the correlation between serum calcium and phosphates concentrations, it is advisable that these parameters be determined simultaneously. Elevated serum phosphates concentration occurs in chronic kidney disease, hypoparathyroidism, pseudohypoparathyroidism. Decreased serum concentrations occur predominantly in hyperparathyroidism.

TSH – thyrotropin

TSH is produced in the cells of the anterior lobe of the mpituitary gland. TSH regulates the production of thyroidhormones and its concentration reflects the current metabolic state of the thyroid gland. In peopleb with normal pituitary function, an increase in TSH concentration indicates a deficiencyr of peripheral thyroid hormones, while a decrease in TSH indicates an excess of them. The test is important in diagnosing thyroid diseasesb and monitoring their treatment.

Uric acid

Increased uric acid levels occur in gout, kidney stones, kidney disease, cancer, psoriasis, hematologic diseases, obesity, diabetes mellitus, in hypoxia or significant tissue damage, and in excessive dietarypurine supply.

PSA total

PSA is a glycoprotein produced predominantly in the epithelial cells of the prostate. Physiologically, PSA is involved in the process of semen liquefaction. Determination of the antigen is often performed as a screening test for prostate cancer in men over the age of 50, or in younger men in case of an aggravating family history and the presence of other cancer risk factors. Elevated PSA levels are also found in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and acute and chronic prostatitis. Blood for PSA determination should not be collected after catheterization, transrectal examination or prostate biopsy.

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