Running - Facts and myths about running

Running is a very popular form of exercise. Its unflagging popularity is due to many factors. First of all, it is a public sport, which can be practiced by almost anyone, does not require special skills or knowledge, and it requires little to practice: good shoes, comfortable outfit and motivation. However, as in other sports, there are many misconceptions about running. Find out if running is for you, and learn the facts and myths about running.

Table of Contents:
- How to start running?
- Running is only for professionals
- How to run to lose weight?
- Running helps you lose weight
- How to run properly?
- Technique doesn’t matter
- Running brings many health benefits
How to start running?
How to start running? You need to focus on fitness and strength, that is, strengthen your deep and postural muscles to minimise the risk of injury. You risk injury if you run too intensely. Start with endurance marches to get the body accustomed to increased physical activity. For example: 2 minutes of running and 4 minutes of walking for 30 minutes, and as the body's fitness increases, extend the running time.
It is best to start running with short distances and adjust the pace of the run to your own abilities. Remember to gradually increase the time and intensity of the run. This will allow slow, but completely safe and healthy progression. With small steps we will reach the desired goal!
Myth - running is only for professionals!
This is one of the biggest myths mentioned on numerous discussion forums or in comments on thematic articles. Professionals also began with a first step! Although it may seem difficult in the beginning, remember that persistence and determination will increase your experience and skills over time.
Everything comes down to your body’s capabilities and regular training! However, you should remember to do it wisely and pay attention to a few things, especially your age (certainly if you are over 40), lifestyle, i.e. what kind of lifestyle we led in the past, whether we exercised, took stimulants, or suffer from chronic diseases. To make sure you run safely, get a check-up to make sure there are no contraindications to exercise.
How to run to lose weight?
How to run to lose weight? Professional trainers recommend focusing on a proper warm-up, which will properly prepare your body. Once you start running, maintain a range of about 65% of our maximum heart rate, which is most effective for the fat burning processes. A heart rate monitor is a good tool to have. It allows you to accurately measure your heart rate and remain in the zone for most effective fat burning.
The point is not to sweat as much as possible, but to maintain moderate, consistent intensity. The ideal pace is one at which you can talk and take a breath.
Don't forget to stretch after training.
Fact - running helps you lose weight!
! Choosing running as a new hobby is often dictated by the fact that in addition to getting in good physical shape, we can also improve our appearance. Running helps maintain or lose weight and shape muscles (especially the calves, thighs and buttocks). Running is undoubtedly a valuable stimulus for our body, helping increase our metabolic rate. Thanks to this we will lose fat and weight efficiently and our diet will begin to bring even more results!
However, remember that running is a great strain on the joints, so in order to lose weight while avoiding increased cartilage abrasion, it is worth starting with less stressful exercises, e.g. Nordic walking or elliptical cross trainer. When running, don’t forget to drink liquids. Runners should also remember to follow a proper diet.
How to run properly?
How to run properly? First of all, we must maintain proper foot contact with the ground. The run should be smooth, keep the spine straight with its natural curves. The body should be relaxed. The work of the lower limbs must be coordinated with the movements of the whole body. This is a very individual matter, which should be assessed by a professional. He who asks doesn’t wander - it is worth to take advantage of professional coaching advice to avoid unnecessary false start and injury! For cushioning, it's a good idea to choose suitable, soft ground for running, e.g. in a forest or park.
Myth - technique doesn't matter
We often hear that the way we run is not important, but that we do it at all. This is a wrong way of thinking because not ensuring good technique makes our efforts not only less effective, but can also cause injury. Therefore it is important to ensure proper technique from the very beginning, so that you can focus on achieving your goal.
Fact - running brings many health benefits
You don't have to run a marathon to enjoy the benefits of exercise. Even small, but regular, physical activity has a positive effect on many aspects of health, including on the cardiovascular and respiratory system, prevents obesity, hypertension, lipid disorders, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and reduces the risk of certain cancers, as well as extends and improves your life.
Lack of exercise is one of the greatest health threats of the 21st century. Regular running strengthens the muscular system, including muscles responsible for posture and figure, improves physical fitness through improving circulatory and respiratory functions, and prevents aging. It improves blood circulation to the skin, ensuring better nourishment.
Exercise improves mental health and increases the concentration of the so-called happiness hormones (serotonin and endorphins), which have a positive effect on our well-being.
We recommend at least 150-300 minutes of moderate physical activity per week, preferably more than 10 minutes of activity 4-5 times a week (optimally daily).
Prezentowane informacje o charakterze medycznym powinny być traktowane jako ogólne wytyczne i nie zastępują one indywidualnej oceny lekarza w kwestii postępowania medycznego wobec każdego pacjenta. Lekarz, po dokładnym zbadaniu stanu pacjenta, ustala zakres i częstotliwość badań diagnostycznych oraz/lub procedur terapeutycznych, uwzględniając konkretne wskazania medyczne. Wszelkie decyzje medyczne są podejmowane w pełnym porozumieniu z pacjentem.