Ultrasound of pregnancy

Hospital Pregnancy Management Package One (last) Trimester
You’re pregnant. This is a wonderful time – waiting for the birth of your baby. You prepare 9 months for this moment. As a future mother, you should take special care of yourself. This is why we offer the "Pregnancy management" package at Medicover Hospital.

Obstetric Doppler ultrasound
Obstetric Doppler ultrasound is used to assess the placental flows and the foetal organs. The examination assesses the blood supply in various foetal structures and analyses the flows in small vessels which are not visible on standard obstetric ultrasonography.

Obstetric ultrasonography – pregnancy week: over 32
Transabdominal ultrasound examination is used to assess the development of the foetus and position of the placenta.

Obstetric ultrasonography – pregnancy week: before 10
Obstetric ultrasonography assessment – pregnancy week: before 10.

Multiple pregnancy ultrasound
During multiple pregnancy ultrasound, it is possible to assess, among other things, the number of foetuses, their location and their anatomical structure.

Obstetric ultrasonography – pregnancy week: 28-32
Ultrasound assessment of pregnancy in 28-32 weeks.

Obstetric ultrasonography – pregnancy week: 18-22
Ultrasound assessment of pregnancy in 18-22 weeks.

Obstetric ultrasonography – pregnancy week: 11-14
The purpose of this study is to assess the anatomy of the fetus.

Pregnancy ultrasound
Pregnancy ultrasound performed at appropriate periods is used to assess fetal development.

Hospital Pregnancy Management Package 3 Trimesters
You just found out you’re pregnant. This is a wonderful time – waiting for the birth of your baby. You prepare 9 months for this moment. As a future mother, you should take special care of yourself. This is why we offer the "Pregnancy management" package at Medicover Hospital.