- Medistore
- Test packages
- Genetic

Package: Colotect genetic test for colorectal cancer + consultation with a doctor
Colotect is a non-invasive test for colorectal cancer and pre-cancerous lesions in a package with a medical appointment. The test is safe and there is no contraindication to taking the test.

Women's Tumor Markers Package
Includes: 6 tests
Zawiera oznaczenia markerów nowotworowych, charakteryzujących się istotną czułością diagnostyczną. Badania w ramach pakietu pozwalają określić ryzyko zachorowania na kilka rodzajów nowotworów, m.in.: raka piersi, jajnika czy wątroby.

Men's Tumor Markers Package
Includes: 6 tests
Zawiera oznaczenia markerów nowotworowych. Diagnozowanie schorzeń we wczesnym stadium daje wysoką skuteczność w walce z rakiem. Pozwala na diagnostykę oraz monitorowanie istniejących już chorób nowotworowych u mężczyzn.

Female cancers' preventive Health Screening
Includes: 3 tests
New quality in cervical cancer diagnostics - liquid-based cytology, breast and gynaecological ultrasound, as well as a consultation with a midwife and an appointment with a gynaecologist. All in one package!

“I Want to Know Everything” Genetic Predisposition Screening
Assessing the risk of contracting 10 cancers, including: colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, endometrial cancer, melanoma, kidney cancer, thyroid cancer and gastric cancer.

A comprehensive overview of the health status with Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Includes: 45 tests
A set of medical examinations and consultations that will help you take care of your health and comprehensively check the condition of your body in a short period of time.

Breast Cancer Prevention Package
The package of prophylactic examinations for women including a gynecological consultation, breast ultrasound, mammography of both breasts and breast self-examination instructions.

Conscious Woman - Advanced Health Screening
Includes: 21 tests
Undergo the "Conscious Woman" Advanced Health Screening and be sure that you are healthy. Do it for yourself and your family.

Conscious Man - Advanced Health Screening
Includes: 18 tests
The “Conscious Man” Advanced Health Screening is recommended for all men over the age of 18, who wish to care for their health comprehensively. We particularly recommend it to men who are in the high-risk group for cancer due to family history of the disease.

Men's Cancer - Basic Genetic Testing Package
Sprawdź swoje predyspozycje do raka prostaty, jelita grubego, żołądka, trzustki, nerek i tarczycy.