- Medistore
- Test packages
- For women
For women
Test packages for women are collections of various laboratory tests and medical consultations, tailored to each woman's individual needs. Regular visits to the doctor and follow-up examinations allow potential health problems to be detected quickly and appropriate treatment to be undertaken. Among the most commonly performed tests in women are cytology, mammography, hormonal tests and gynaecological ultrasound. Check out the available packages and take comprehensive care of your health!

Women’s Preventive Healthcare
Includes: 15 tests
Package includes 17 laboratory tests for all women who want to take care of their health.

Female cancers' preventive Health Screening
Includes: 3 tests
New quality in cervical cancer diagnostics - liquid-based cytology, breast and gynaecological ultrasound, as well as a consultation with a midwife and an appointment with a gynaecologist. All in one package!

Conscious Woman - Advanced Health Screening
Includes: 21 tests
Undergo the "Conscious Woman" Advanced Health Screening and be sure that you are healthy. Do it for yourself and your family.

Gynaecological Fast-track
Includes: 2 tests
Gynecological Fast Track is a package of basic preventive examinations and consultations that every woman should have on a regular basis.

Female hormonal package
- estradiol,
- FSH,
- LH (lutropne),
- Progesterone,
- Prolactin.

Hair Loss Testing Package
Includes: 8 tests
Nadmierne wypadanie włosów to nie tylko problem estetyczny. Wykonaj badania krwi. To jedyny sposób, by precyzyjnie zidentyfikować przyczynę wypadania włosów oraz wybrać najbardziej odpowiedni sposób na zatrzymanie zjawiska.

Mood Swings Testing Package
Pakiet jest dedykowany osobom, u których utrzymuje się ciągły spadek nastroju, energii oraz braku motywacji do działania. Powyższe stany mogą być wynikiem niedoborów najważniejszych pierwiastków i witamin, a także mogą być spowodowane zaburzeniami pracy tarczycy.

Stress Testing Package
Includes: 14 tests
The blood tests in the package will also help determine whether the tension you're feeling is caused by hormonal imbalances. Sometimes, abnormal hormone levels can intensify anxiety and mood swings, similar to those triggered by emotional strain from stress.

Thyroid Testing (Basic) Package
Brak sił do działania nie musi być lenistwem, a problemy z koncentracją czy obniżone libido efektem przepracowania bądź stresu. Czasami objawy, które łatwo zrzucamy na karb trudniejszego okresu w życiu, wiążą się z problemami zdrowotnymi, np. niedoczynnością lub nadczynnością tarczycy

Woman's health
Includes: 17 tests
You have a thousand things to do - home, work, family? You don't have time for regular meals or exercise, and you’re stressed every day? Do you think you are okay because you are not experiencing any disturbing symptoms? Stop. Perform the "Women's Health" Screening and see how healthy you are.
What tests should every woman undergo?
The most important tests that should be regularly performed by women include:
- Breast ultrasound,
- Mammography,
- Pap smear,
- Reproductive organ ultrasound,
- Abdominal ultrasound,
- Thyroid ultrasound,
- Blood tests, including morphology, HCV, lipid profile, TSH, glucose, and hormone levels.
Which test package for women should you choose?
The Preventive Package for Women is a great option if you're interested in staying informed about your health and having regular check-ups. This package includes 21 basic laboratory tests, imaging tests, and a consultation with an internist. Another option is the Women's Health Prevention Package, which includes 17 laboratory tests.
The Sports Medicine Package is designed for physically active women or those just starting out with sports. The package helps monitor physical fitness and adjust workouts to individual needs.
For women dealing with excess male hormones and polycystic ovary syndrome, the Hyperandrogenism / Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Package is an excellent choice.
The Menopause Package is aimed at women aged 40 to 55 and includes 2 laboratory tests to confirm menopause.
Why are preventive tests for women so important?
Preventive tests allow for the early detection and treatment of many diseases, including cancer. Regular gynecological exams are essential for detecting cervical cancer, and mammography for diagnosing breast cancer.
Preventive tests can extend and improve the quality of life. Therefore, it's important to remember regular tests and check-ups to enjoy good health and physical well-being.
Above, you will find the complete list of test packages for women, along with current prices and the scope of tests.