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Arsenic in the blood

Arsenic in the blood. A study indicating an increased risk of cancer in women.

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from PLN 168.00 Mediclub logo Mediclub logo from PLN 159.60
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  • Test description
Test description


Clinical significance

The test is performed in the diagnosis of poisoning, including arsenic and pesticides. Arsenic compounds are well absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and lungs. Once absorbed into the body, arsenic binds to erythrocytes in the blood and accumulates in the liver, kidneys and lungs; it also crosses the placenta. It is excreted mainly in the urine (80%) and feces. Symptoms of acute arsenic toxicity include convulsions, muscle weakness and confusion. Arsenic exposure also results in cancer, especially cancers of the skóry, lungs, kidneys, liver and bladder. Determination of arsenic concentration in the blood is helpful in diagnosing arsenic poisoning. It is also a marker of cancer risk.

Patient preparation

Material: heparinized blood