Hormone testing, package with medical consultation
By purchasing this package, you will receive a free medical consultation after receiving the resultsós. See the study description for detailsós.

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The Hormone Screening Package is dedicated to women to assess hormonal management in a broad sense. The package can be performed prophylactically or diagnostically when symptomsw are present. This is important because endocrine disorders can present with minor and often rve uncharacteristic symptoms.
Symptoms thatre likely to indicate an endocrine disorder are min:
- increased nervousness and irritability, anxiety of varying severity, problems with concentration
- feeling of fatigue and tiredness during the day
- intestinal disorders: diarrhea, constipation
- heart palpitations, accelerated or slowed heart rate
- shaking of the hands
- swelling
- sweating or feeling cold independent of ambient temperature
- decrease or increase in body weight without a change in previous diet
- sleep disturbances
- skin and hair problems (dry skinry, hair lossry or excessive hair in unusual places)
- decrease in sexual desire
- disorders of the menstrual cycle (shortening or lengthening of the cycle, bleeding of increased or decreased severity)
- problems with fertility
For testing, it is advisable to draw venous blood, in the morning – due to the diurnal rhythm of secretion of somehormonespreferably on an empty stomach, although this is not a prerequisite. Intense physical activity should be avoided immediately before the test. Blood for the study of hormonesrs regulating the menstrual cycle is most often taken on day 2-3 of the cycle. Other procedures depend on individual indications and should be arranged with the doctor.
The package includes the following tests:
DHEA-s - dehydroepiandosterone sulfate
The steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands. In women, androgens, mainlytestosterone, are formed from DHEA. Indications for the test include amenorrhea, infertility, symptoms of polycystic ovarysyndrome, developmentof male characteristics (hirsutism, male pattern baldness, low voice), persistent acne and weight gain.
Estradiol is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands
The most important estrogen produced during the menstrual cycle by the ovaries. Determination of estradiol levels is used to assess ovarian functions and monitor follicular development. Indications for the determination are: disorders of the menstrual cycle, disorders of the pubertal period, control of drug-induced ovulation. An increase in estradiol concentration occurs in the perovulatory phase, as well as in drug-induced ovulation of multiple folliclesly. Decreases in concentration are observed in primary and wtral ovarianw failure
FSH – folitropic hormone
A polypeptide hormone secreted by the anterior lobe of the mpituitary gland. In women, FSH ensures the maturation of ovarian folliclesand regulates estrogensecretion. FSH levels in women depend on the day of the menstrual cycle and change with age. Indications for the test in women include menstrual disorders, assessment of menopausal status, and pubertal disorders.
LH – luteinizing hormone
Hormone secreted by the anterior lobe of the mpituitary gland. In women it regulates the menstrual cycle, the growth and maturation of folliclesin the ovaries and the synthesis of estrogenand progesterone. The highest concentration of LH occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle and leads to ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum. Indications for the test in women include ovarian insufficiencyw, menstrual and pubertal disorders, ovulation disorders, polycystic ovary syndromew.
Progesterone belongs to the steroid hormoness. It is produced mainlyin the cellsof the corpus luteum and by the placenta during pregnancy. The concentration of progesterone depends on the stage of development of the corpus luteum. Progesterone is responsible for preparing a woman's body for the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, and during pregnancy for inhibiting contractionsuterine muscles. Increase in the concentration of progesterone: ovarian tumors, myometrium, induced hyperstimulation, congenital or acquired forms of adrenal – sex syndromes, pregnancy. Decrease in concentration: ovulatory disorders (corpus luteum insufficiency, non-ovulatory cycles), primary and introral hypogonadism (chronic lack of ovulation).
Prolactin is a hormone synthesized in the cellsr of the anterior lobe of the mpituitary gland. It is secreted pulsatilely throughout the day, reaching its highest concentration at night. Elevated concentrations of PRL are also observed during high physical exertion, during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. Physiologically, its action is to initiate and sustain lactation in the postpartum period and to regulate the function of the reproductive glands in both sexes. Determination of prolactin levels in the blood is performed in the diagnosis of infertility in men and women and in the diagnosis of menstrual disorders in women. An increase in PRL concentration is observed in pituitary tumors, primary hypothyroidism, chronic kidney disease, after certain drugs. A decrease in PRL levels is observed in hypopituitarism.
Testosterone is a hormone produced in men almost exclusively by Leydig cells in the testes. Testosterone is responsible for the developmenty of secondary sexual characteristics in men and for maintaining the function of the prostate and seminal vesicles. In women, small amounts of testosterone are produced in the adrenal glands and ovaries, and under physiological conditions its role is minor. Indications for determination of this hormone in women are symptoms of virilization (inral production of male sexual characteristics in women), hirsutism (excessive male-type hair), polycystic ovary syndromeovarian syndrome (PCO), and chronic lack of ovulation.
Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is a transporter protein for testosterone and estradiol. It is produced primarily by the liver. Reduced levels of SHBG are often seen in cases of hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarysyndrome, obesity, in cases of hirsutism or male pattern baldness in women.
An indication for the test is reduced libido, erectile dysfunction and infertility in men. In women, polycystic ovary syndromeovaries, menstrual disorders, acne, and infertility associated with excessive testosterone production. The test should also be performed in patientswith obesity, thyroid disease, cirrhosis.
TSH – thyrotropin
TSH is produced in the cells of the anterior lobe of the mpituitary gland. TSH regulates the production of thyroid hormonesly and its concentration reflects the current metabolic state of the thyroid gland. In peopleb with normal pituitarygland function, an increase in TSH concentration indicates a deficiencyr of peripheral thyroid hormones, while a decrease in TSH indicates an excess of them. TSH can also be lowered in the first trimester of pregnancy. The test is important in diagnosing thyroid diseasesb and monitoring their treatment.