The most popular specialities and extensive preventive care in the Medicover medical package. Option to make annual or instalment payments.
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The "Classic" package will provide your and loved ones with the highest quality medical care, the most popular medical specialties, and access to extended preventive services and diagnostics. The price of the package is reduced thanks to a small premium you pay for visits and selected tests.
The package includes:
Medical help in emergency situations and worrying symptoms:
- Emergency Services. 24/7 Medicover HotLine
- Ambulance services
- Same day visits at Medicover Express – fee of PLN 15 for the visit
- Consultations with general, paediatric, surgical and orthopaedic emergency doctors- fee of PLN 15 for the visit
Medical consultations (22 specialties) - fee of PLN 15 for the visit:
- internist
- paediatrician
- general practitioner
- dermatologist, children's dermatologist
- gynaecologist, children's gynaecologist
- ophthalmologist, children's ophthalmologist
- travel medicine doctor
- general surgeon, children's general surgeon
- cardiologist, children's cardiologist
- ENT specialist, children's ENT specialist
- neurologist, children's neurologist
- orthopaedist, children's orthopaedist
- urologist, children's urologist
Outpatient procedures: 90 different procedures, e.g. blood collection, injections, cast fitting, wound suturing Laboratory tests: 215 tests, including: CBC, glucose, cholesterol, liver tests ALT, AST, lipid profile, general urinalysis, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate - OB, bilirubin, creatinine, urinary acid, fasting iron - serum, thyrotropin hormone - TSH, progesterone, faecal examination
Diagnostic tests:
fee of PLN 15 for the visit - chest X-ray, Abdominal ultrasound, breast ultrasound (nipple), thyroid ultrasound, upper and lower limb X-ray, skull X-ray, spine x-ray, spirometry
free - Resting ECG
Flu shots
Dental check-up
See what’s included in the package Classic >>
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