Kidney test package
The renal profile is a set of tests that monitor the condition of the kidneys in your body. In this package, the tests performed are: Calcium, Potassium, Creatinine, General urinalysis, Sodium, OSAD, Urea, Morphology analyzer 5 diff

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Kidney Profile
Renal profile study:
- Blood sugar
Knees in the body perform a number of functions. They cleanse the blood of toxic substances, are responsible for hydrating the body and are important in regulating blood pressure. Despite the fact that it is one of the most important organs in the body, most diseases develop practically without symptoms, which in many cases the diagnosis is made too late. Mainly for this reason, prevention and regular examinations included in Profile kidney are so important.
Package tests consists of blood tests and urine by means of which the doctor can assess the work and condition of the kidneys. The aforementioned tests can also be performed to observe their condition during treatment, after transplants and while taking medications that burden this organ. Chronic kidney disease is very insidious. Symptoms of kidney failure may not appear until advanced states, and only in the early stages can the progression of the disease be halted.