Anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA antibodies
Determination of igA antibody levels against tissue transglutaminase.

CDT Medicus

Centrum Medyczne Damiana


Dom Lekarski
Waiting time for the result up to 10 days



- Test description
- Wyniki badań laboratoryjnych
Determination of igA antibody levels against tissue transglutaminase.
The test is performed to diagnose celiac disease (this
visceral disease with a genetic basis characterized by
Intolerance to gluten - a protein contained in wheat, rye,
barley and contaminated oats).
In celiac disease, gluten has a toxic effect causing villous atrophy
intestinal villi.
The presence of IgA antibodies almost unequivocally confirms the disease. In the absence of IgA antibodies with concomitant symptoms suggestive of celiac disease (abdominal pain and bloating, diarrhea fatty or watery diarrhea, weight loss, developmental abnormalities in children, short stature, change in disposition, depression, deficiencies) further diagnosis is necessary.