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The Conscious Skier/Snowboarder Program is a special set of tests and exercises that will help you check your physical preparation for the winter season.

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from PLN 299.00 Mediclub logo Mediclub logo from PLN 239.00
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  • Product description
Product description

Even the best-prepared skiing or snowboarding trip, without prior physical preparation, can end in a sudden injury and an unavoidable visit to the orthopedist. The less active someone is in their daily life, the higher the risk of a serious injury on the slopes.

The period of 4-6 weeks before the planned winter trip should be enough to prepare for the physical demands of a winter vacation. To make the most of this time, it is worth considering the "Conscious Skier/Snowboarder" package at the Rehasport clinic. This special set of tests and exercises helps evaluate readiness for the winter season. During a 90-minute session, a qualified physiotherapist conducts a series of tests to identify weakened structures susceptible to injuries.

The program includes:

  • Physiotherapy interview combined with a patient questionnaire about health conditions and past injuries.
  • Joint range of motion assessment, with a focus on hip and spine mobility.
  • FMS Test (Functional Movement Screen) to identify weak points in the musculoskeletal system. Seven movement patterns are used to assess a wide range of stability, mobility, flexibility, and movement awareness.
  • SEBT Test (Star Excursion Balance Test), where the patient, standing on one leg, reaches as far as possible in three directions with the other leg. The physiotherapist evaluates movement quality, range in centimeters, knee stabilization, hip stabilization, and balance.
  • LESS Test (Landing Error Scoring System), in which the patient performs four jumps from a step about 30 cm high. The physiotherapist evaluates movement quality from the front and side based on criteria outlined in a dedicated table.
  • Advanced motor assessment machine test, providing information on the strength and endurance of the lower limb muscles, which bear significant loads during skiing or snowboarding.

Benefits and scope of the program:

This program is designed for individuals planning to hit the ski or snowboard slopes during the winter season. These slope adventures often follow a long break, during which the body isn’t conditioned for the specific movements required for skiing.

The "Conscious Skier/Snowboarder" program enables professional assessment of readiness for the winter season through objective tests. The report highlights weaker points in the body that are particularly susceptible to injuries. The physiotherapist discusses with the patient areas to focus on and the direction their preparation for skiing or snowboarding should take.

Remember, before heading to the mountains, it’s crucial to strengthen the entire system: ligaments, tendons, and muscles around the knee joint, as well as the hip area and ankle joints. The more "armor" you build with muscles, the less prone you will be to joint misalignments in unusual directions, which can lead to injuries.