Profil Metaboliczny
Metabolic study package - basic. Basic assessment of human metabolism.

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Metabolic profile
Testing for metabolic disorders can provide a lot of valuable information about the state of functioning of the entire body, as well as its individual structures. Our bodies are very sensitive to even the smallest changes in metabolic pathways - an imbalance regarding their environment or the concentrations of participating proteins, enzymes, occurs very easily. The best example of the complexity of disorders of metabolic processes, is a disease known as metabolic syndrome. Co-occurring in it are conditions such as:
- hypertension,
- diabetes,
- abdominal obesity
- or excessively high levels of fats in the blood,
The bundled total cholesterol test can help identify the latter in particular. Other simple blood tests can measure levels of key electrolytes (sodium, potassium) in the body. Together with other additional determinations (such as albumin, creatinine), they will indirectly help check the function of hormone secretion by the adrenal cortex, protein synthesis in the liver, filtration in the kidneys or absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. The rationale from interpreting the results of the tests included in the package can provide the basis for introducing preventive measures or treatment that will help maintain fitness and a good quality of life in the long term.
When should tests be performed?
The tests included as part of the profile have been selected to assess:
- risk of cardiovascular disease (total cholestrol) kidney function
- risk of gout
- liver function, digestive system, nutritional status
- water and electrolyte status
The package is recommended for:
- prophylactic control in patients with risk factors for cardiovascular disease (obese, with poor diet and insufficient physical activity, smokers, living under chronic stress, sleep deprivation)
- regular monitoring in patients with diagnosed lipid metabolism disorders, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, after a heart attack or stroke
- diagnose or monitor the effectiveness of treatment of kidney and liver diseases,
- verify suspected abnormal nutritional status (malnutrition, cachexia) or nutrient malabsorption syndromes in the gastrointestinal tract,
- monitor the state of electrolyte imbalance in the body, which is favored by, among other things, kidney disease, heart failure, severe trauma and infection, chronic alcoholism, disorders within the secretion of thyroid or adrenal hormones. Loss or accumulation of excess of certain ions in the blood is also often a side effect of medications such as glucocorticosteroids.
Who should do the tests?
Every healthy person - at least once a year, in order to periodically assess the efficiency of metabolic processes in the body and the functioning of many different organs and systems. In addition, in a situation where there are symptoms that may suggest certain diseases, tests should be performed by a person:
- with symptoms of atherosclerosis (including coronary artery disease, causing chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness; including ischemia of the lower extremities, manifested by temporary paresis, muscle pain and spasms, problems with walking)
- weakened, lethargic, with lack of energy, weight gain, poor physical condition, deterioration of exercise tolerance
- with symptoms of kidney disease (swelling of the limbs or swelling around the eyes, change in the frequency of urination, its appearance or smell, increased blood pressure, metallic taste in the mouth)
- with symptoms of liver disease (enlargement of the abdominal girth, pain in the right subcostal region, jaundice of the skin and sclerae of the eye, dark urine, discolored stool, itchy skin)
- with suspected nutritional disorders (especially those after prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, burns; in addition, patients who are chronically ill, lying down, dehydrated, malnourished, cachexia)
- with worrisome gastrointestinal symptoms (decreased appetite and weight, abdominal pain, constipation or bloating, changes in frequency or appearance and character of stools)
- with symptoms of gout (swelling and soreness of the joints, tight and shiny skin covering the joints, general irritability, sometimes also fever)
- with symptoms of abnormal sodium levels (too high concentration-reddening of the skin, fever, motor restlessness, convulsions, impaired consciousness and even coma; too low concentration-weakness, fatigue, headaches, impaired concentration, memory, confusion, nausea, vomiting)
- with symptoms of abnormal potassium levels (both too high and too low concentrations can cause shortness of breath, abnormal heartbeat, irregular pulse, muscle weakness and paralysis, numbness and tingling in the extremities)
Metabolic profile includes tests
- Total cholesterol
- Creatinine
- Uric acid
- Albumin
- Sodium
- Potassium