Extended metabolic profile
Augmented metabolic profile is a set of laboratory tests that allows early detection of metabolic disorders, i.e. those that primarily affect the processing of energy compounds supplied to our bodies with food. Metabolic diseases are also known as diseases of civilization, as their incidence has increased dramatically in recent years. They are mainly related to age, unhealthy lifestyles and poor diet, but can also be triggered by genetic factors. The Enhanced Metabolic Profile offers a more in-depth view of blood parameters that may be necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and implement treatment early enough to avoid the serious consequences of further development of these diseases.
When should the tests be performed?
Augmented metabolic profile should be performed both as a preventive measure and already at the onset of symptoms or risk factors themselves. Prophylactic performance of these tests is to test for disease avoidance, that is, to check that all the parameters tested during this profile are within normal limits.
Who should perform the tests?
In addition to the already-discussed performance of these tests for preventive purposes, people with so-called risk factors, that is, circumstances that may predispose to metabolic diseases, should be particularly interested in them. These factors are:
- genetic burden, that is, the occurrence of such diseases in the patient's relatives
- obesity, overweight
- lack or very little physical activity, combined with a sedentary lifestyle
- unhealthy diet, containing a lot of processed foods with high sugars (carbohydrates) and fats
- smoking tobacco products
- excessive alcohol consumption
- existence of other related diseases, for example, hypertension
The test should also be performed if adverse symptoms associated with disturbances in the concentration levels of the compounds under investigation have begun to appear, such as:
- faster fatigability, combined with the occurrence of dyspnea after exertion
- frequent urination, increased thirst
- weight disturbance, difficulty in weight correction
- muscle and joint pain
- general deterioration of mood
- yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes
- pain in the epigastrium after meals
- stomach pain (heartburn)
- headaches, nosebleeds
Metabolic profile extended includes tests
- Total cholesterol
- Creatinine
- Uric acid
- Glucose
- Albumin
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Triglycerides
- Urea
- Total protein
- Total bilirubin
- Magnesium
- Total calcium
- HbA1C