FTA quantitative

Dom Lekarski

- Test description
- Czas oczekiwania na wyniki
The FTA-ABS test, which is a fluoroscent treponemal antibody test in the absorption modification (fluoroscent treponemal antibody absorbent test) is used to verify positive or inconclusive results of syphilis screening tests Treponema pallidum (pale spirochete) is a bacterium that is an etiological agent of the venereal disease, syphilis. Symptoms of syphilis appear after about 3 weeks after infection, most commonly a a painless round lump on the skin or mucous membranes turning into a hard boil and enlarged lymph nodes. W diagnosis of fresh infection, the following are used: the reaction non-spiral (VDRL) and spirochete reactions (most commonly FTA ABS, TPHA) - as confirmatory.