- Medistore
- Diagnostic tests
- Blood
Blood tests have a wide range of applications and are among the most commonly performed diagnostic tests. Our offer includes numerous tests that allow for a comprehensive assessment of a patient's health condition.

Complete blood count
The test includes determination of the number of morphotic elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets), measurement of the size and assessment of the characteristics of their structure (MCV, MCH, MCHC), as well as the number and percentage of the individual types of white blood cells.

The TSH test allows you to determine the level of the hormone thyroid gland. A test of the level of thyrotropic hormone in the blood - the hormone pituitary hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland.

Fasting blood glucose test.

Testing the level of creatinine in the blood.

Testosterone is responsible for the proper functioning of the body, among other things, maintains sexual function,affects libido.

Tests the level of the thyroid hormone free thyroxine fT4 in the blood It is used to assess thyroid function.

FT3 test
The FT3 test - triiodothyronine - is performed in the diagnosis of diseases of the thyroid gland. This hormone is essential for the proper functioning of the body of the body.

Vitamin D3 - 25(OH)D concentration test
Assessing the concentration of vitamin D3, by determining the serum concentration of the 25(OH)D metabolite.

A test performed from the blood to determine the level of Alanine aminotransferase - a liver enzyme. The price of the test as low as 7 zł! Check it out! Testing the level of alanine aminotransferase in the blood.

Test the level of aspartate aminotransferase in the blood.
Basic blood tests
Blood tests can be helpful in assessing general health, the functioning of certain organs or detecting certain genetic diseases. Blood tests can be divided into basic and specialised tests. The former are excellent in the context of prevention, while the latter are usually performed on doctor's orders for diagnostic purposes.
Blood morphology
The basic blood tests include, first of all, the blood morphology, which allows an accurate analysis of the blood composition, i.e. an assessment of the quantity and quality of the morphotic blood elements: leukocytes and erythrocytes, platelets. The results can provide important clues about certain health problems. It is recommended that this examination be performed prophylactically every 1-3 years. In this way, possible abnormalities can be detected quickly and appropriate treatment or extended diagnosis can be implemented.
Other preventive examinations
In addition to this, basic examinations include, among others, determination of glucose, cholesterol, TSH testing, liver enzymes (ALT, AST).
Tests for cancer and inflammatory conditions
Blood tests also include blood group determination or marker tests (e.g. PSA, CA125 protein), which can help diagnose certain cancers or check if there is an increased risk of a certain type of cancer. C-reactive protein (CRP) testing is a test used to diagnose inflammation, also performed from a patient's blood sample.
Which diseases can be detected with a blood test?
A blood test, including a blood count and blood biochemistry (analysis of plasma components), makes it possible to diagnose many diseases, e.g. anaemia, diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders and thyroid diseases, inflammation, viral infections.
Preparation for the blood test
The doctor who orders the blood test will tell you if there are any specific recommendations to be followed before the test.
Depending on the type of blood test, you may be required to fast for 8-12 hours before the blood test is taken and/or stop taking certain medications.
Importance of blood tests in diagnosis
Blood tests are used in the diagnosis of diseases that cause changes in the composition or picture of the blood. They make it possible to assess general health, the functioning of certain organs or to check for infections. Some tests, such as tumour markers, make it possible to estimate the risk of developing selected diseases.