Gynaecological Fast-track
Gynecological Fast Track is a package of basic preventive examinations and consultations that every woman should have on a regular basis.

Centrum Medyczne Damiana
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The "Gynaecological Fast-track" package includes:
The Gynaecological Fact-track package includes a gynaecological consultation and basic tests recommended in the prevention of cervical cancer, i.e. PAP smear and gynaecological ultrasound.
The package includes:
- Pap smear is the most effective diagnostic method in the prevention of cervical cancer. This examination allows for the exclusion or confirmation of a precancerous condition. In addition to these, there may also be inflammatory changes, degenerations, and retrograde changes that are not dangerous, but quite often cause anxiety in women.
- Gynaecological ultrasound examination is performed preventively in order to assess the condition of a woman's reproductive organs and the menstrual cycle, and in the case of suspicion and treatment of diseases of the genital organs. It allows you to assess the surface, interior, shape, size and position of individual organs, as well as detect any abnormalities. This examination is painless and non-invasive and is performed vaginally.
- Consultation with a gynaecologist should be performed regularly by every woman. During the consultation, the gynaecologist conducts an interview, orders tests if necessary, and interprets the results of previous tests.
Tests not included in the package, for which the patient receives an additional 15% discount:
- Breast ultrasound is used in the diagnostics of breast cancer, the early detection of which enables effective treatment. For this reason, it is worth knowing about the factors that increase the risk of developing the disease. Thanks to this, we can take preventive steps. Ultrasound examination is an independent diagnostic method for women up to the age of 40. A breast ultrasound scan should be done every two years, starting from the age of 25.
- Mammogram detects very small, even millimetre changes. It shows the shape of the tumour (regular shape suggests a benign lesion), and calcifications, i.e. mineral calcium deposits. They can be large (macrocalcifications) or small (microcalcifications). The former are usually mild, and half of women over 50 have them. Microcalcifications are more dangerous because they can be a sign of cancer or precancerous changes. When the glandular tissue in our breasts disappears and is replaced by fatty tissue, that’s a good time to have a mammogram. Do it every two years or according to doctor’s orders.
The service is available at the following locations:
- Centrum Medyczne Damiana, ul. Wałbrzyska 46
- Centrum Medyczne Damiana, ul. Foksal 3/5
- Centrum Medyczne Damiana, ul. Przy Bażantarni 8B
- Centrum Medyczne Damiana Koneser, ul. Plac Konesera 10a
- Centrum Medyczne Damiana Al. Zjednoczenia, Al. Zjednoczenia 36
Note: The gynaecological ultrasound performed by Dr Małgorzata Wejner is not included in the Gynaecological Fast-track package. It also does not qualify for the 15% discount. This doctor performs only highly specialised ultrasound examinations.