- Medistore
- Test packages
Test packages
Test packages are sets of diagnostic tests that allow for a comprehensive assessment of health. They consist of appropriately selected tests for different age groups or disease entities, allowing for early detection and monitoring of various diseases.

Pregnancy second Trimester
The second trimester of pregnancy lasts from the 14th to 27th-28th week. In this period, your belly has already grown and the pregnancy becomes visible, with the baby being fully formed.

Healthy Mum
You have just become a mum and focus your entire attention on your baby? Enjoy your new role and take care of yourself too.

Before the procedure
Planujesz operację albo zabieg chirurgiczny? Pewnie obawiasz się czy wszystko się powiedzie, czy nie będzie żadnych komplikacji... (czytaj więcej)

Junior Parasites
Is your child complaining of a stomach ache? Grinding their teeth during sleep? Lost their appetite? These may be symptoms of a parasitic infection.

Junior Inhalant Allergies
Your child is constantly bothered by cough and runny nose? It does not have to be an infection. Such problems are commonly caused by an inhalant allergy

Junior Food Allergies
Does your child frequently suffer from stomach ache, flatulence or diarrhoea? Does your child get a rash or hay fever? Is s/he irritated and experiences sleeping problems? These might be the symptoms of a food allergy.

Pregnancy First Trimester
Are you pregnant? Want to be sure that your baby's health is not threatened by anything? Do a check-up and rule out the risk of diseases that can affect the development of the little one. Be a responsible mom. Get yourself examined regularly.

Basic prevention
Includes: 8 tests
Preventive tests and examinations are the ideal method of monitoring your health. Take up our offer – thoroughly check your health condition by undergoing 11 tests during only 1 visit to a Medical Centre.

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