- Medistore
- Test packages
Test packages
Test packages are sets of diagnostic tests that allow for a comprehensive assessment of health. They consist of appropriately selected tests for different age groups or disease entities, allowing for early detection and monitoring of various diseases.

The Genetic Predisposition Screening for breast and ovarian cancers
An assessment of the breast and ovarian cancer risks by means of the state-of-the-art method that complies with the highest standards.

Genetic Predisposition Screening for colorectal cancer
Hereditary colorectal cancer. An assessment of genetic predispositions to colorectal cancer by means of state-of-the-art methods for DNA analysis (NGS – next-generation sequencing), guaranteeing high precision and reliability. An analysis of as many as 25 genes that increase the risk of the disease. Only 2 appointments in the Centre. Check whether or not you are in the risk group.

“I Want to Know Everything” Genetic Predisposition Screening
Assessing the risk of contracting 10 cancers, including: colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, endometrial cancer, melanoma, kidney cancer, thyroid cancer and gastric cancer.

Female cancers' preventive Health Screening
Includes: 3 tests
New quality in cervical cancer diagnostics - liquid-based cytology, breast and gynaecological ultrasound, as well as a consultation with a midwife and an appointment with a gynaecologist. All in one package!

Femininity under control
Are you a sexually active woman? Are you constantly on the run -
home, work, family? Can’t remember the last time you had a

Niepłodność kobieca
Od dłuższego czasu bezskutecznie staracie się o dziecko? Zastanawiacie się czy to już czas by zgłosić się do specjalisty? (czytaj więcej)

Kandydoza zwana także grzybicą układu pokarmowego czy drożdżycą, wywoływana jest przez grzyby Candida albicans...(czytaj więcej)

The Lyme Disease - package of diagnostic tests
Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. Infection most often occurs after a tick bite.

Nietolerancja glutenu badania
Na skórze pojawiła się pokrzywka? Dokucza Ci ból brzucha, wzdęcia, biegunki? Odczuwasz wahania nastroju? Objawy te często...(czytaj więcej)

Pregnancy third trimester
The third trimester is the last period of pregnancy. Each day brings you closer and closer to delivery.