Liquid-Based Cytology (LBC)
This examination is based on a modern technique of preparing a cytological specimen. The Polish Gynaecological Society recommends liquid-based cytology as a screening method for cervical cancer - it can detect early premalignant and neoplastic lesions.

PARASITES – package 3 (8 species: Tapeworm, Whipworm, Human roundworm, Dientamoeba fragilis, Blastocystis hominis, Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica)
Molecular testing (Real-Time PCR) characterized by high sensitivity and specificity, detecting the genetic material (DNA) of parasites: Dientamoeba fragilis, Blastocystis hominis.

PARASITES - package 2 (protozoa: Dientamoeba fragilis, Blastocystis hominis)
Molecular test (Real-Time PCR) with high sensitivity and specificity, detecting genetic material (DNA) of parasites: Dientamoeba fragilis, Blastocystis hominis.

Antibodies Against Borrelia burgdorferi IgM + IgG Present in Antigen-Bound Form in Circulating Immune Complexes (CIC)
Tests for the presence of antibodies related to Lyme disease in both IgG and IgM classes. IgG/IgM antibodies can indicate whether Lyme disease is an active infection or completely rule out its presence in the body.

Antibodies Against Borrelia burgdorferi IgM + IgG Using the Western Blot Method
To determine the antigenic specificity of antibodies in the case of a positive or borderline ELISA test result.

The CINtec Plus test complements liquid-based cytology (LBC). It reveals concerning changes where routine cytological testing may not have provided sufficient information.

Antibodies Against Borrelia burgdorferi IgM or IgG Using the Western Blot Method
To determine the antigenic specificity of antibodies in the case of a positive or borderline ELISA test result.

HPV28 (Genotyping of 28 Types of HPV – High and Low Risk)
Identification of HPV Genetic Material in the Patient's Body and Determination of the Type of Virus Identified.

Antibodies Against Borrelia burgdorferi IgM + IgG Using the ELISA Method
Testing for the Presence of IgG and IgM Antibodies Against Borrelia burgdorferi, the Bacterium that Causes Lyme Disease

UROGENITAL 28 (URO 6 + URO 7 + BV + Candida 7)
UROGENITAL 6 + UROGENITAL 7 + Bacterial Vaginosis + Candida 7 Test Package. This package includes an analysis for viruses, bacteria, and yeast that cause infections in the intimate areas.

Antibodies Against Borrelia burgdorferi IgM or IgG Using the ELISA Method
Testing for IgG and IgM Antibodies Against Borrelia burgdorferi, the Bacterium Responsible for Lyme Disease

The package includes diagnostics for intimate infections covering 13 pathogens. Sexually transmitted diseases, formerly known as venereal diseases, are a group of infectious diseases transmitted through sexual contact.

UROGENITAL 48 (URO6 + URO7 + Candida 7 + HPV28)
The package covers an analysis for viruses, bacteria, and yeasts that are responsible for intimate infections.

Test for Ureaplasma parvum and Ureaplasma urealyticum
Ureaplasma parvum and Ureaplasma urealyticum are pathogens responsible for a variety of persistent urinary tract infections. If left untreated, they can lead to inflammatory conditions, infertility, premature births, and even miscarriages.

Test for Mycoplasma – Mycoplasma hominis and Mycoplasma genitalium (Real-Time PCR)
The test aims to detect the presence of Mycoplasma hominis and Mycoplasma genitalium DNA in the tested material, providing diagnostics for sexually transmitted infections that enable the identification of potential co-infections and the selection of appropriate therapy.

Whooping Cough: Bordetella parapertussis, Bordetella pertussis
Whooping Cough (Pertussis) is an acute infectious disease caused by the Gram-negative bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Whooping cough caused by B. parapertussis manifests with symptoms similar to those of the disease caused by B. pertussis, but it is generally less severe.

UROGENITAL 7 - DNA Identification of 7 Urogenital Pathogens
A urogenital panel is a diagnostic test used to detect the presence of specific pathogens responsible for urogenital infections. These infections can affect the urinary and genital tracts and are often sexually transmitted.

Bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial Vaginosis (Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Lactobacillus spp., Bacteroides fragilis, Megasphaera type 1, Bacterial vaginosis-associated bacteria 2, Mobiluncus spp.)

Panel Bacterial Infections of the Respiratory System – 7 Species
Identification of Bacteria Causing Upper Respiratory Tract Infections.

UROGENITAL 6 - A panel for the identification of 6 urogenital pathogens
The test aims to identify pathogens that may cause vesicular lesions/ulcers on the external genital organs.

Male Infertility - AZF (Microdeletions in the Y Chromosome)
Identification of microdeletions in the AZF region of the Y chromosome: AZFa (sY84, sY86); AZFb (sY127, sY134); AZFc (sY254, sY255). The presence of microdeletions in the AZF region of the Y chromosome causes dysfunction of proteins responsible for proper sperm production and may be a contributing factor to male infertility.

PAI Thrombophilia (testing the c.-675 4G/5G variant in the SERPINE-1 (PAI) gene)
Identification of mutations in the patient's genetic material that predispose to thrombosis. The test includes identification of mutations in the Factor V (F5) gene, the Prothrombin (F2) gene, and the MTHFR gene polymorphism.

Thrombophilia - Expanded Panel (MTHFR + F2 + F5 + SERPINE-1)
Identification of mutations predisposing to thrombosis in the patient's genetic material. The test includes the identification of mutations in the Factor V gene (F5), mutations in the Prothrombin gene (F2), and polymorphisms in the MTHFR gene.

Thrombophilia - Basic Panel (MTHFR + F2 + F5)
Identification of mutations predisposing to thrombosis in the patient's genetic material. The test includes identification of mutations in the Factor V (F5) gene, mutations in the Prothrombin (F2) gene, and polymorphisms in the MTHFR gene.

Thrombophilia – MTHFR Gene Mutations (testing for 2 variants in the MTHFR gene)
Identification of MTHFR Gene Polymorphism in the Patient's Genetic Material

Thrombophilia F2 (testing for 1 variant in the F2 gene)
Identification of mutations in the Prothrombin (F2) gene in the patient's genetic material.

The HPV and CINtec Plus test enables the detection of neoplastic changes at the cellular stage, which are in the very early stages of development. This allows for the localization of cells where the normal cycle has been disrupted due to infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV).

The HPV and CINtec Plus test enables the detection of neoplastic changes at the cellular stage, which are in the very early stages of development. This allows for the localization of cells where the normal cycle has been disrupted due to infection by high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV).

Thrombophilia F5 (testing for 3 variants in the F5 gene)
Identification of mutations in the Factor V (F5) gene in the patient's genetic material, commonly known as the Leiden V mutation.

Liquid-Based Cytology (LBC) + CINtec PLUS P16/Ki67 + HPV14
Test Package Consisting of: CINtec PLUS p16/Ki67, Liquid-Based Cytology (LBC), HPV14.

Liquid-Based Cytology (LBC) + CINtec PLUS P16/Ki67 + HPV28
Test Package Consisting of: CINtec PLUS p16/Ki67 – A test performed to deepen the diagnosis of precancerous changes and cervical cancer, Liquid-Based Cytology (LBC): A more modern and precise cytological examination technique, HPV14: Identification of 14 HPV genotypes (Human Papilloma Virus).

PARASITES 15 - 15 species of parasites
Molecular Testing (Real-Time PCR) is a highly sensitive and specific method that detects the genetic material (DNA) of the most commonly found human parasites, including.

Parasites – Protozoan (Cryptosporidium parvum)
The test involves analyzing stool for the presence of Cryptosporidium parvum DNA.

PARASITES 9 - 9 species of parasites
Molecular Testing (Real-Time PCR): A highly sensitive and specific method that detects the genetic material (DNA) of the most commonly found human parasites, including.

PARASITES - Set 6 (Package 4 (Real-Time PCR) + Parasitological Examination of Urine and Stool)
Molecular testing (Real-Time PCR) characterized by high sensitivity and specificity, detecting the genetic material (DNA) of 3 species of flukes: Blood fluke (Schistosoma haematobium), Liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica), Opisthorchis viverrini.

PARASITES - Set 5 (p.3 + parasitological stool examination)
Molecular Testing (Real-Time PCR): A highly sensitive and specific method that detects the genetic material (DNA) of the most commonly found human parasites.

PARASITES - Set 4 (G. lamblia Real-Time PCR + antigen test)
Parasites Package 4 - (testing for the presence of Giardia lamblia DNA and antigen in stool).

PARASITES - Set 3 (p.3 + p.4 + p.5 + zonulin + lactoferrin + calprotectin)
Molecular Testing (Real-Time PCR): This test is characterized by high sensitivity and specificity, detecting the genetic material (DNA) of the most commonly found human parasites.

PARASITES - Set 1 (Package 3 + Package 4 + Package 5)
Molecular testing (Real-Time PCR) characterized by high sensitivity and specificity, detecting the genetic material (DNA) of the most commonly found parasites in humans.

PARASITES – Package 6 (Amoebiasis - 2 species: Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba dispar)
Molecular testing (Real-Time PCR) characterized by high sensitivity and specificity, detecting the genetic material (DNA) of the following parasites: Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba dispar.

PARASITES - Cryptosporidium parvum
Molecular testing (Real-Time PCR) characterized by high sensitivity and specificity, detecting the genetic material (DNA) of parasites.

PARASITES - Pack 5 (nematodes - 2 species: Human pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis), Hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale))
Molecular Test (Real-Time PCR) characterized by high sensitivity and specificity, detecting the genetic material (DNA) of the following parasites: Human pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis), Hookworm (Ancylostoma spp.), and American hookworm (Necator americanus).

PARASITES - Pack 4 (flukes - 3 species: Blood fluke (Schistosoma haematobium), Liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica), Opisthorchis viverrini)
A molecular test (Real-Time PCR) characterized by high sensitivity and specificity, detecting the genetic material (DNA) of three fluke species: Blood fluke (Schistosoma haematobium), Liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica), and Opisthorchis viverrini.

PARASITES – Package 1 (Tapeworm, Whipworm, Roundworm)
Molecular testing (Real-Time PCR) characterized by high sensitivity and specificity, detecting the genetic material (DNA) of the most commonly found parasites in humans.

Thin-Layer Cytology LBC + HPV28 (Genotyping of 28 High- and Low-Risk HPV Types)
Simultaneous detection and genotyping of 28 different high- and low-risk HPV genotypes associated with the development of cervical cancer.

PARASITES - Set 2 (Package 3 + Package 4 + Package 5 + Cryptosporidium Parvum)
The set includes 4 test packages: Parasites Package 3 - (testing for the presence of species: Tapeworm, Whipworm, Roundworm, Dientamoeba fragilis, Blastocystis hominis, Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica), Parasites Package 4 – Flukes (testing for the presence of species: Blood Fluke, Liver Fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini), Parasites Package 5 – Nematodes (testing for the presence of species: Human Pinworm, Hookworm/Ancylostoma ceylanicum), Parasites - Cryptosporidium parvum.

PARASITES 6 - 6 species of parasites: Dientamoeba fragilis, Blastocystis hominis, Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium spp., Cyclospora cayetanensis
Molecular testing (Real-Time PCR) characterized by high sensitivity and specificity, detecting the genetic material (DNA) of the most commonly found parasites in humans.

Thin-Layer Cytology LBC + HPV14 (Genotyping of 14 High-Risk HPV Types)
Thin-layer cytology (LBC) combined with HPV testing is the best method for detecting precancerous changes and cervical cancer. The additional qualitative test covering 14 high-risk HPV genotypes detects the most common high-risk types.

PARASITES - Giardia lamblia
Molecular testing (Real-Time PCR) characterized by high sensitivity and specificity, detecting the genetic material (DNA) of parasites.

Candida - 7 species: C. krusei, C. glabrata, C. dubliniensis, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. albicans, C. lusitaniae
Testing using the Real-Time PCR method for the diagnosis of fungal infections; specifically targeting the presence of fungi from the Candida genus.

HPV14 Test (Genotyping of 14 High-Risk HPV Types)
The test involves analyzing the material for the presence and genotyping of 14 high-risk HPV types. This test is particularly recommended for the prevention of cervical cancer in women.

Occult blood
The causes of the presence of blood in the stool can vary, including stomach or duodenal ulcer disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, diverticulosis of the intestines, bleeding polyps, hemorrhoids, Crohn's disease, bacterial infections, bleeding from the gums or nose, benign and malignant tumors, and colorectal cancer.
The Laboratory's offering a wide range of tests in the field of:
GYNECOLOGY – identification of infections of the urogenital system:
• viral infections (HPV - types with high and low oncogenic potential, HSV I/II);
• bacterial infections (Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorhoeae, Mycoplasma spp., Ureaplasma spp., Chlamydia trachomatis);
• fungal infections (Candida spp.);
• liquid cytology (LBC).
• predisposition to thrombotic disease (mutations in the F2, F5 (factor V Leiden), MTHFR and PAI1 genes);
• infertility causing diseases (microdeletions in the AZF region of the Y chromosome
• Real-Time PCR tests for gastrointestinal parasites infections;
• biochemical markers of intestinal inflammation;
• food intolerances.
• Lyme disease diagnostic tests (PCR tests, Western blots, antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi bound in circulating immune complexes - KKI test, other tests)
The Laboratory's offering a wide range of tests in the field of:
GYNECOLOGY – identification of infections of the urogenital system:
• viral infections (HPV - types with high and low oncogenic potential, HSV I/II);
• bacterial infections (Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorhoeae, Mycoplasma spp., Ureaplasma spp., Chlamydia trachomatis);
• fungal infections (Candida spp.);
• liquid cytology (LBC).
• predisposition to thrombotic disease (mutations in the F2, F5 (factor V Leiden), MTHFR and PAI1 genes);
• infertility causing diseases (microdeletions in the AZF region of the Y chromosome
• Real-Time PCR tests for gastrointestinal parasites infections;
• biochemical markers of intestinal inflammation;
• food intolerances.
• Lyme disease diagnostic tests (PCR tests, Western blots, antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi bound in circulating immune complexes - KKI test, other tests)
• allergy profiles
• molecular tests (ALEX)
We also offer a lot of basic tests packages.
The our tests can be used in diagnosing infections of the respiratory, digestive and urogenital systems.
• allergy profiles
• molecular tests (ALEX)
We also offer a lot of basic tests packages.
The our tests can be used in diagnosing infections of the respiratory, digestive and urogenital systems.